May 23, 2012

Yosemite Lions Club Helps Raise $3724.00 for Cancer Research!

On Saturday, May 19, the Yosemite Lions Club participated in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life to raise funds for cancer research. The club supported the Yosemite Hiking for a Cure team at the Mariposa fairgrounds by walking the track, hosting a fundraising bingo game and raffling gift bags. Here's a summary from Lion Patti, team co-captain:

"Thank you to everyone for your participation and support in the 2012 Relay For Life.  The event raised $59,222.04 to date.

In the team category, Yosemite Hiking For A Cure came in second place with $3,724 raised!  Our team goal was $2,500.  Great work everyone!  We not only met, but exceeded our goal for 2012.  This was not only made possible by our sponsor contributions from the Yosemite Lion's Club and DNC P&R at Yosemite, but also by some great fundraising from our team members, both individually and collectively.

In the individual fundraising category, Kym earned second place having collected $1,450.00.  Great job Kym!

Congratualtions to everyone for a great Relay!  A big thank you to Teri, our co-captain. She was there when I needed her facilitating fundraising and logistics!  Bingo was a successful fundraiser.  Kudos to Teri and Kym!  You both had the patience and resolve to walk the track to get the word out and bring in participants. Kym, your years of participation in this event, and fundraising capabilities, are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for your enormous contribution!  Emily, thank you for providing our shade for this event, or we would have surely wilted under the heat of the Sun!  Pat, Audrey and Kurt, Michelle, and Alison, you are here, year after year, and without your participation and contributions to our team, we wouldn't have one.  Thank you!  I will follow up with our newest team-members to congratulate and give thanks for their participation.

The wrap up party is currently scheduled for Thursday, June 21st with time and place forthcoming from the Committee.  I hope to see you there!"